
Report On Sexual Harassment in Selected Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria Prepared by Gender Mobile

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Sexual violence and harassment is a pervasive practice in Nigeria tertiary institutions. A plethora of studies reveal that at least one in three students on Nigerian campuses have been exposed to sexual harassment and violence either by classmates or lecturers (who are in loco parentis).

Sexual Harassment of Students in Tertiary Educational Institutions (Prohibition) Bill, 2020 (SB.77): A Bill For an Act to Make Comprehensive Provisions for the Prohibition and Punishment Of Sexual Harassment of Students by Educators in Tertiary Educational Institutions; and for Related Matters.

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The objective of the Bill is to create equal learning opportunities for students of tertiary institutions objective of the in an atmosphere devoid of sexual harassment and to promote ethical standards of education and Bill respect for human dignity in tertiary educational institutions by providing for


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